CHAPTER 1 : Main Issues In Translation Studies

 Chapter 1

Main Issues In Translation Studies

A. Concept of Translation

    Is an action or Process in changing one language into another language. The Process can convert an original or source text into the target text. Roman Jakobson said three types of Translation,namely:

1. Intralingual Translation , translating From one language Into the same language. 

2. Interlingual Translation, translating from one language Into another. 

3. Intersemiotic Translation, translating From verbal Signs into non verbal signs. 

B. Key concept in Translation 

1. Acceptability, an acceptable Translation must still refer to the norms and grammar both from the source language into the target language.

2. Accuracy, where the result of Translation must be accurate both from work, speech or the entire text.

3. Adaptation, which prioritizes situational context and culture references in the target text and native language.

4. Adequacy, which is related to the translation Process, especially the balance between time and money spent on assignments and the quality of the text and the result of the text in accordance with the summary of the translation both from the point of view and the purpose of the text.

5. Audio-visual translation, which combines sound, motion, color and video components on translation.

6. Borrowing, where by borrowing word from the source language into the target language.

7. Calque, pay attention to the syntatic and structural structure of the target language.


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